Krieg und Frieden. An annotated, selected bibliography in four volumes. Illustrated boards. About 650 pages. With about 600 reproductions und facsimiles.
The bibliography describes for the first time with 2300 selected publications the pacifistic and militaristic movements of the 20th century. Each publication is extensively annotated, about 500 books are reproduced in the plate part.
An important reference work for peace-researchers, librarians, book dealers and collectors.

Band I: Die Belletristik. Belletristik, Kinderbuch, Spionage, Kunst und Krieg, Kriegsfotografie (Volume I: Fiction.
Fiction and poetry, child books, spy fiction, art and the war,
war-fotography). 120 pages with 25 signature-facsimiles. 1988
ISBN 3-926360-03-8 Euro 7,50
Band II: Die Friedensbewegungen. Biographien, Friedensbewegungen, Pan-Europa, Völkerbund, allgemeines zum Thema Krieg (Volume II:
The peace movements. Biographies, peace movements, Pan-Europa, League of Nations, general works on war). 123 pages with 27 signature-facsimiles. 1989.
ISBN 3-926360-04-6 Euro 7,50
Band III: Die Kriege. Erster Weltkrieg, Kriegsschuldfrage, Fremdenlegion, Ruhr und Saar, Abessinien, Spanischer Bürgerkrieg, Zweiter Weltkrieg,
Friedenspläne, Atom und Anti-Atombewegung, Kriegswirtschaft, Soziales, Gewalt in der Revolution, Justizgewalt, Kuriosa (Volume III: The wars. World War
One, the war guilt question, Foreign Legion, Ruhr and Saar, Abyssinia, Spanish Civil War, World War Two, peace proposals, atom and antiatom movement,
war industry, social questions, violance in revolutions, judical power, odd things). 163 pages with 26 signature-facsimiles. 1990.
ISBN 3-926360-05-4 Euro 7,50
Band IV: Begleitband. Essays zum Thema „Krieg und Frieden“, Tafelteil, Verzeichnis der benutzten Bibliographien, Sachregister, Personenregister, Abkürzungsverzeichnis (Volume IV: Attendant volume. Essays on peace and war, plates, list of used reference works, subject and names index, list of abbreviations). About 250 pages with more than 500 reproductions. In preparation. ISBN 3-926360-06-2 Euro 22,50
For all four volumes:ISBN 3-926360-07-0 Euro 45,-
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