The Rare Bookstore

has the following divisions:

Follow the highlighted links or use the index down left

  • Politics and history since ca. 1848
  • Cultural history with: erotica / philosophy / psychology / sociology / sports
  • Crime and Justice
  • Judaica
  • The Judaica-Collection Georg Reimer
  • Children's books / youth movement / education
  • German language fiction in first editions from A to K
  • German language fiction in first editions from L to Z
  • From the estate of Hans Reimann
  • From the estate of Rolf Schott
  • The Fritz J. Raddatz Collection
  • Reference works for: literature / film / photography / musik / theatre
  • Arts and arts reference
  • Russian Avant-Garde - fiction / arts / film /photography a.o.
  • Bargains from all sections
  • Library copies from the military publishing house of the GDR
  • Our catalogue "Russian avant-garde" as pdf-file download here

    Our catalogue "Illustrated Covers Part 1" as pdf-file download here

    Our catalogue "Illustrated Covers Part 2" as pdf-file download here

    Our catalogue "Illustrated Covers Part 3" as pdf-file download here

    Our catalogue "camouflage leaflets and other new entries" as pdf-file download here

    Our catalogue "Propaganda and other new entries" as pdf-file download here

    Our catalogue "Exile and other new entries" as pdf-file download here

    Our catalogue "Georg Salter, Der jünste Tag and other new entries" as pdf-file download here

    Our catalogue "Photography" as pdf-file download here

    Our catalogue "Bibliography of Büchergilde Gutenberg and books from the estate of the illustrator Rolf Schott" as pdf-file download here

    Our catalogue "The Büchergilde in exile and other new entries" as pdf-file download here

    Our catalogue "Dedicated books from the library of Fritz J. Raddatz" as pdf-file download here

    Our catalogue "Jews in (german) literature" as pdf-file download here

    Our catalogue "Exile and other last entries" as pdf-file download here

    Our catalogue "Illustrated books and last entries" as pdf-file download here

    Our catalogue "Cultural history and last entries" as pdf-file download here

    Our catalogue "Eremiten-Presse and last entries" as pdf-file download here

    Our catalogue "Fellow travellers. Journeys to Russia 1917-1988" as pdf-file download here

    Our catalogue "Lost building knowledge on the countyside and books until 1900" as pdf-file download here

    Our catalogue "A Century in Retrospect. Part I: 1900-1912" as pdf-file download here

    Our catalogue "A Century in Retrospect. Part II: 1913-1918" as pdf-file download here

    Our catalogue "A Century in Retrospect. Part III: 1919-1921" as pdf-file download here

    Our catalogue "A Century in Retrospect. Part IV: 1922-1924" as pdf-file download here

    Our catalogue "A Century in Retrospect. Part V: 1925-1926 and new arrivals" as pdf-file download here

    Our catalogue "A Century in Retrospect. Part VI: 1927-1929 and new arrivals" as pdf-file download here

    Our catalogue "A Century in Retrospect. Part VII: 1930-1932" as pdf-file download here

    Our catalogue "A Century in Retrospect. Part VIII: 1933-1935" as pdf-file download here

    Our catalogue "A Century in Retrospect. Part IX: 1936-1938" as pdf-file download here

    Our catalogue "A Century in Retrospect. Part X: 1939-1942" as pdf-file download here

    Our catalogue "A Century in Retrospect. Part XI: 1943-1945" as pdf-file download here

    Our catalogue "A Century in Retrospect. Part XII: 1946-1949" as pdf-file download here

    Our catalogue "A Century in Retrospect. Part XIII: 1950-1955" as pdf-file download here

    Our catalogue "A Century in Retrospect. Part XIV: 1956-1960" as pdf-file download here

    Our catalogue "A Century in Retrospect. Part XV: 1961-1965" as pdf-file download here

    Our catalogue "A Century in Retrospect. Part XVI: 1966-1970" as pdf-file download here

    Our catalogue "A Century in Retrospect. Part XVII: 1971-1974" as pdf-file download here

    Our catalogue "A Century in Retrospect. Part XVIII: 1975-1980" as pdf-file download here

    Our catalogue "A Century in Retrospect. Part XIX: 1981-1990" as pdf-file download here

    Our catalogue "A Century in Retrospect. Part XX: 1991-2000" as pdf-file download here

    Our catalogue "Interesting new entries from the last Year" as pdf-file download here

    Our catalogue "Otto Rühle - a collection and a selection from our stock from A to K" as pdf-file download here

    Our catalogue "A selection from our stock from L to Z plus new entries" as pdf-file download here

    Our catalogue "Lyrics up to 1950 plus new entries" as pdf-file download here

    Our catalogue "Signed books" as pdf-file download here

    Our catalogue "Lyrics since 1950" as pdf-file download here

    Our catalogue "Illustrated Books" as pdf-file download here

    Our catalogue "New entries" as pdf-file download here

    Our catalogue "Wolf von Niebelschütz - a collection and art part 1" as pdf-file download here

    Our catalogue "art part 2 and new entries" as pdf-file download here

    Our catalogue "From the estate of Wilhelm (Willi) Geissler and other new entries" as pdf-file download here

    Our catalogue "Expressinists" as pdf-file download here

    Our catalogue "New Entries, the Frankfurt School, Photobooks" as pdf-file download here

    Our catalogue "New Entries especially Oskar Maria Graf and Ernst Toller" as pdf-file download here

    Our catalogue "Eduard Fuchs - A Collection and other new Entries" as pdf-file download here

    Our catalogue "Best of 2016 and latest new Entries" as pdf-file download here

    Our catalogue "Not in German Exilearchive, not in the German National Library and new Entries" as pdf-file download here

    Our catalogue "In no ... Library and new Entries" as pdf-file download here

    Our catalogue "Dedication copys and other new Entries" as pdf-file download here

    Our catalogue "Autographs, dedication copys and other new Entries" as pdf-file download here

    Our catalogue "Fiction from A to D and new Entries Arts" as pdf-file download here

    Our catalogue "Fiction from E to G and new Entries" as pdf-file download here

    Our catalogue "Fiction from H to K" as pdf-file download here

    Our catalogue "Fiction from K to N and new Entries" as pdf-file download here

    Our catalogue "Fiction from O to S" as pdf-file download here

    Our catalogue "Fiction from S to V and new entries" as pdf-file download here

    Our catalogue "Fiction from W to Z and new Entries" as pdf-file download here

    Our catalogue "Frans Masereel - A Collection" as pdf-file download here

    Our catalogue "Communism; Gunter Böhmer - A Collection and other new entries" as pdf-file download here

    Our catalogue "Exile and Antifascism and other new entries" as pdf-file download here

    Our catalogue "Exile and Antifascism, Karl Rössing and other new entries" as pdf-file download here

    Our catalogue "Celebrity! Well-known politicians, scientists and writers" as pdf-file download here

    Our catalogue "Celebrity 2! Well-known writers, reviewers and artists" as pdf-file download here

    Our catalogue "Lyrics" as pdf-file download here

    Our catalogue "Photobooks and other new entries" as pdf-file download here

    Our catalogue "John Heartfield, new photobooks and interesting fiction" as pdf-file download here

    Our catalogue "New entries: Frans Masereel, Ernst und Friedrich Georg Jünger and Stefan Zweig" as pdf-file download here

    Our catalogue "Hans Fallada and Walter Trier - Die Collecton of Inge und Michael Rother" as pdf-file download here

    Our catalogue "New entries and Best of 2018" as pdf-file download here

    Our catalogue "Erotica and dedication copies and signed books" as pdf-file download here

    Our catalogue "Photobooks, children books, KPD in exile, dedication copies and signed books and new entries" as pdf-file download here

    Our catalogue "Judaica and Anti-Semitism, Politics and new entries" as pdf-file download here

    Our catalogue "Illustrated Books and Magazines and new entries" as pdf-file download here

    Our catalogue "Illustrated Books and Magazines Part II and Children Books" as pdf-file download here

    Our catalogue "Children Books, education, Cultural History and new entries" as pdf-file download here

    Our catalogue "Art and new entries" as pdf-file download here

    Our catalogue "Art Part II, new Photobooks, illustrated Songnotes and other new entries" as pdf-file download here

    Our catalogue "Politics and History, Fiction from A to G" as pdf-file download here

    Our catalogue "Fiction from H to P and new entries" as pdf-file download here

    Our catalogue "Fiction from R to Z, Youthmovement, Wandervogel and allied fields and new entries" as pdf-file download here

    Our catalogue "New entries: fotobooks, fototechnology, other new entries and the Best of 2019" as pdf-file download here

    Our catalogue "Nonfiction books and new entries" as pdf-file download here

    Our catalogue "Fiction and Arts until 1931 and new entries" as pdf-file download here

    Our catalogue "Fiction and Arts from 1932 until 1954 and new entries Fiktion" as pdf-file download here

    Our catalogue "Fiction and Arts since 1955 and new entries" as pdf-file download here

    Our catalogue "Reading food for summer Part I and new entries" as pdf-file download here

    Our catalogue "Reading food for summer Part II and new photobooks" as pdf-file download here

    Our catalogue "New Arrivels: Frans Masereel, signed books, Hertenstein-Press, Photobooks" as pdf-file download here

    Our catalogue "New Photobooks" as pdf-file download here

    Our catalogue "New Entries: Art, Photobooks, Varia" as pdf-file download here

    Our catalogue "2019/2020 a Review and new Entries main Topic camouflaged Publications" as pdf-file download here

    Our catalogue "Women in Literature, Arts and Politics and new Entries" as pdf-file download here

    Our catalogue "From the Encyclopaedia of germen-jewish Authors and new Entries and new Photobooks" as pdf-file download here

    Our catalogue "Signed: Books, Autographs, Art" as pdf-file download here

    Our catalogue "Signed Part II: Books, Autographs, Art" as pdf-file download here

    Our catalogue "Georg Salter, John Heartfield and others - a collection and other new entries" as pdf-file download here

    Our catalogue "Lyrics from A to K" as pdf-file download here

    Our catalogue "Lyrics from K to Z and new entries" as pdf-file download here

    Our catalogue "Communism, Stalinism, related and new entries" as pdf-file download here

    Our catalogue "New Entries: Ernst and Friedrich Georg Jünger and Photobooks" as pdf-file download here

    Our catalogue "From the estate of a Collector" as pdf-file download here

    Our catalogue "Novels and Novellas and new entries" as pdf-file download here

    Our catalogue "Novels and Novellas and new entries" as pdf-file download here

    Our catalogue "Annual review and new entries" as pdf-file download here

    Our catalogue "Judaica and Antisemitism and also new entries" as pdf-file download here

    Our catalogue "Prominent from A to E. Famous Writers, Artists and Politicians" as pdf-file download here

    Our catalogue "Prominent from F to G. Famous Writers, Artists and Politicians and new entries" as pdf-file download here

    Our catalogue "Prominent from H to J. Famous Writers, Artists and Politicians; Free Religious and Atheists and new entries" as pdf-file download here

    Our catalogue "Prominent from K to L. Famous Writers, Artists and Politicians and new entries" as pdf-file download here

    Our catalogue "Prominent from M to P. Famous Writers, Artists and Politicians and new entries" as pdf-file download here

    Our catalogue "New entries: The Collection of Dr. Gerhard Stamm Part 1 and last new entries" as pdf-file download here

    Our catalogue "New entries: The Collection of Dr. Gerhard Stamm Part 2" as pdf-file download here

    Our catalogue "New entries: The Collection of Dr. Gerhard Stamm Part 3" as pdf-file download here

    Our catalogue "New entries: The Collection of Dr. Gerhard Stamm Part 4" as pdf-file download here

    Our catalogue "New entries: The Collection of Dr. Gerhard Stamm Part 5" as pdf-file download here

    Our catalogue "New entries: The Collection of Dr. Gerhard Stamm Part 6 and other new entries" as pdf-file download here

    Our catalogue "New entries: The Collection of Dr. Gerhard Stamm Part 7 and other new entries" as pdf-file download here

    Our catalogue "New entries: The Collection of Dr. Gerhard Stamm Part 8 and new photobooks" as pdf-file download here

    Our catalogue "Annual review and new entries" as pdf-file download here

    Our catalogue "Antifashism and Exile and last new entries with rare private printings" as pdf-file download here

    Our catalogue "Antifashism and Exile Part II and last new entries with rare private printings" as pdf-file download here

    Our catalogue "Lyrics and last new entries" as pdf-file download here

    Our catalogue "Lyrics Part II and last new entries" as pdf-file download here

    Our catalogue "Gunter Böhmer; Russian avant-garde; Heartfield, Grosz, Salter and the others and last new entries" as pdf-file download here

    Our catalogue "Prose and last new entries" as pdf-file download here

    Our catalogue "Prose Part II and last new entries" as pdf-file download here

    Our catalogue "Novels and last new entries" as pdf-file download here

    Our catalogue "Novels Part II, new fotobooks and last new entries" as pdf-file download here

    Our catalogue "Annual review 2023 and last new entries" as pdf-file download here

    Our catalogue "From the Library of Elke and Lothar Lang and new dedication and signed Books" as pdf-file download here

    Our catalogue "New Entries from a Berlin private Collection and from a Historian" as pdf-file download here

    Our catalogue "New Entries from a Historian Part II" as pdf-file download here

    Our catalogue "New Entries from a Historian Part III and last new entries" as pdf-file download here

    Our catalogue "New Entries from a Historian Part IV and from the Library of Tilla Durieux" as pdf-file download here

    Our catalogue "New Entries from the Library of Tilla Durieux also Fiction, Politics and Culture until 1890" as pdf-file download here

    We are sorry that we can't offer our rare books with english texts but our list of abbreviations will give you some help

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